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Some Tips for Nepalese Students Planning to Study in Australia

Australia is a unique multicultural study abroad destination which welcomes overseas students with open arms. In fact, It’s the third most popular education destination for international students, after the United States and the United Kingdom.

Over the last few years, the number of Nepalese students studying in Australia has increased significantly. Friendly and welcoming natives, diverse natural environment, exciting scholarships in Australia for Nepalese students, various courses, the best student cities and world-class universities are some of the significant factors that allure Nepalese students towards the amazing land of Australia.

Higher education system in Australia is based on the prominent British model. Australian degrees and courses are recognised all over the world. What else can you expect from a country? Let us have a look at some practical information about studying in...

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Top Things to Know About Traditional African Fabrics and Garments

Do you like to wear bright coloured dresses in daily life? Do you also love to wear intricately designed clothes?

If yes, wearing the traditional African clothes may be an ideal option for you. The clothes are durable and suited for wearing on different occasions in life. Wear the clothes in various life event like marriage, engagement, parties, and other purposes. Pick your clothes from fabrics and dresses store available in different regions or buy online selecting the best one. Choosing the bright-coloured dresses will increase your fashion statement in the daily life.

No international fashion event goes without displaying the traditional African fashion and fabrics by models and designers. It means the traditional fashion of Africa has entrenched in the modern lifestyle and wardrobe now. The popularity of trendy African fabrics and clothes are increasing rapidly in the world now.


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How to Start Your Career as a Makeup Artist in Mumbai?

Mumbai is an important destination for aspirants looking to start a career in the beauty industry. The city is a haven for aspirants looking for a break in the beauty and makeup industry. It is the city where numerous films and serials are made throughout the year. It is obvious, the need for makeup artist is high to prepare the protagonists for their roles or as the directors want. That is why many firms are working to provide services to the film industry, fashion and other production houses. It is where makeup artists can get jobs and enter the glamorous world.

The first step needed in this direction is studying courses to become a makeup artist from a reputed institute. World-renowned artists have set up their academies in the city to provide quality training to the aspirants. Enrolling in the courses help in getting practical knowledge and skills that bring closer to a successful...

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Top Benefits of Studying in Australia for International Students

Are you thinking of studying higher education abroad?

If yes, many top study destinations are in your mind. However, you need to choose a place that is not only within your financial budget but accessible as a quality education spot. When we talk of such destinations, Australia always comes into the mind of consultants and students.

Australia has a lot to offer to you. As an international student, you may enjoy numerous benefits and privileges while studying in the local universities. Thus, overseas education consultants always talk highly of the education system, training facilities and so on necessary to start a successful career.
Read on the blog to know the top benefits of studying in the island country.

Recognised education system and career options

The quality of Australian education system is recognised and famous worldwide. The University Ranking system is ranked 9th globally...

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Top Three Courses for International Students to Study in Australia

Australia is one of the fastest emerging education destinations for overseas students in the world with more than 1,100 educational institutions and 43 universities. Many study fields and specialisations make it a sought-after destination for international students. According to some reliable sources, seven out of 100 top universities around the globe are in Australia.

Though study options are important factors, there are several other aspects which students need to figure out before choosing to study the right course in Australia. In the contemporary global set up, students don’t go abroad only to explore educational opportunities but also to gain work experience outside their home country. Hence, the best courses for International Students in a particular country depend more upon the current situation as well as the unique speciality of the country in which they excel.

Here, we bring...

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Top Reasons to Consider Studying Accounting in Australia

Accounting is a future-proof career option with excellent employment opportunities and growth. It is because there will be a need for accountants irrespective of economic conditions for every organisation small or large. The accounting professionals are essential for calculation of taxes, account audit, financial strategies, bookkeeping and the list goes on.

Accounting is no longer considered a bean-counting profession. Depending on the specialisation, accounting graduates can find employment as a financial analyst, Finance Manager, Business Manager, Investment Advisors, Auditor, and many more in different state-owned and private organisations.

Do these professions and numbers attract you?

If yes, a career in accounting and finance may be ideal for you. Pursuing the accounting courses in Australia will be the right move to be successful in your dream career. Further, you may avail the...

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Top Professional Year Providers in Australia for Overseas Graduates

The ones who have earned their graduate degrees from Australian institutions and are looking to work and seek permanent residency in Australia can apply in the Professional Year in Australia. The Professional Year (PY) is a 44-week program designed to enhance the skills, theoretical and practical, of international graduates in Australia.

Besides enhancing the professional skills, the PY program allows overseas students to acquire the knowledge of the Australian workplace language and ethics. It also polishes practical skills required to work with leading industries and businesses in Australia. The program applies to the engineering, IT and accounting graduates only.

Following are some of the top institutions offering the PY program in Australia:

Accountants Resource Centre (ARC)

ARC collaborates with leading accounting firms and facilitates bookkeeping internships and practical...

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Irresistible Benefits of SEO Services for Businesses

Are you looking for a marketing strategy that helps in getting traffic and popularity of your brand without spending more money?

If yes, search engine optimisation may be an ideal option for you. It is one of the most popular strategies available in the online marketing for businesses of today. It enables businesses to reach to the right audience and achieve their business goal within a short time.

SEO Works

SEO is one of the most effective ways of promoting your products and services online. It works for every kind of projects – small or big. It costs less but effective in producing suitable results for businesses.

Though SEO services activity takes time to show impact, yet it brings benefits in the long run. Once your site ranks in the top result, you will get more traffic, sales and generate revenues. It is why a lot of businesses are using this strategy in realising their end...

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Things to Remember While Joining a Professional Year Program

If you are an engineering, IT or accounting graduate and planning to settle in Australia permanently, you better join the Professional Year Melbourne. The Professional Year Program (PYP) is a unique professional skill development program combining formal learning and workplace experience. It incorporates business training with career skills development, making you job-ready.

Successful completion of the PYP will help you earn five migration points towards the PR and skilled migration pathway. International students from engineering, accounting or IT fields with minimum two years of Australian Qualification Framework are eligible for the program.

Though cost is a benchmark for any student, many education providers are offering PYP in Australia at a low price. But, the chosen education body should have a reputation in the education world coupled with a comprehensive internship program...

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Undergraduate Study in Australia: Courses, Qualification, Cost and Entry Requirements

Australia is a remarkable country that has built an excellent reputation for quality and excellence across its higher education programs. A huge number of overseas students looking to pursue higher education in Australia amply reflect this global reputation.

Higher education courses in Australia are offered by private colleges, universities and some TAFE institutes. Some professional courses- such as veterinary, medicine, architecture and law- are offered only by universities.

Let us find out more about undergraduate study in Australia for international students, top courses, average cost, and entry requirement.

Courses and qualifications

Australia has a countrywide set of qualifications that are endorsed and accepted by the Australian government. Meaning, there’s a national and international recognition of each qualification and the level of education it represents.

The most common...

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