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African Clothing: The Hidden Meaning of Colours and Designs

Clothes have been integral to us humans. Even in the pre-historic, our ancestors used to wrap their bodies either with tree leaves, barks or animal skin. Also, the invention of clothes had played a vital role in determining the behaviour of humans. Since then, a lot has been changed, and the fabric/garment industry has undergone an unprecedented change.

Now, you will see numerous designs, patterns, and style have come into being and people around the globe love to buy them depending on their sense of fashion- some may prefer stylish, cool looks while other adhere to comfort.

How about when the dress you are wearing signifies your culture with vibrating colours, carrying certain values as well, and a unique style? Don’t be awestruck! That’s exactly what African fabrics and dresses make you feel so.

Over the last few years¸ the demand for African dresses has gone significantly high not...

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Top 7 Australian Cities for International Students

Ranked 3rd in the list of hottest study destinations for international students, Australia is one of the most attractive countries, offering students top-quality education in stunning locations. Following are the best seven cities in Australia to be a student- all offering minimum two internationally ranked universities and a unique study abroad experience:


Sydney is the largest city in Australia and known as an economic and financial hub. Thanks to a winning combination of a quality life coupled with a paradisiacal blend of green spaces and beaches. Apart from providing enjoyable student experience, Sydney is home to some of Australia’s most prominent universities perfect for undergraduate study in Australia for international students. The city also receives a high score for employer activity.


If you are the one interested in live music, comedy or sporting events...

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Why You Need to Be a Translator in Australia?

Are you passionate about learning new languages? Do you have the acumen to adapt things perfectly? Do you want to explore new cultures and practices?

If yes, a profession as a translator or interpreter would be perfect for you.

Most of us know that Australia is a multicultural society, where people from different countries and cultures live together in peace. Also, the country is a home to thousands of overseas students studying to achieve their career goals.

Amid these remarkable circumstances, a translator or interpreter has ample scope to work and even secure a permanent residency in this beautiful country.

In a survey carried out by the Australian Bureau of Statistics Census in 2011, it was noticed that almost four million Australians communicate in a language other than English at home. Seeing greater opportunities and interesting career options, many overseas and domestic...

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Going stylish with African fabrics and dresses

African fabrics have been making international waves in the global market. The fabrics are known for world-class quality, beautiful designs and embroideries. The use of patterns and colours depict specific cultural and traditional significance of Africans. With the passage of time, the fabrics obtained huge popularity, and it can be proven by the fact that the market is full of African fabrics and dresses today.

The emergence of many talented and creative designers has changed the perspectives of people towards this fabric. Every year many numbers of international fashion events take place where one can witness the display of some of the most enchanting African fabric dresses worn by different people from diverse sections of society.

From celebrities to commoners, this fabric has touched everyone’s heart. The stylishness and beauty combinedly give a stunning look to those wearing the...

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Why Australia Attracts International Students?

Education has played an incredible role in elevating human conscience and making us what we are today. Had there been no concept of learning, we would not have been able to achieve what we have so far. While rewriting the human history, we come to note that learning has been integral to us. It was the practical knowledge that made our ancestors to invent newer things and transfer it to the next generation.

Later, the practical experiences were started to be documented so the upcoming generation could advance the already existing techniques and concepts. Meaning, the perfect blend of practical experience and theoretical learning ensured the overall progress of the entire human race.

Now, after hundreds of years, when we have reached to newer heights of development, education has also undergone an evolution. Technology has a bearing on education itself. Internet and other techniques have...

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The beauty of African fabrics and dresses

Have you wondered why African fabrics became part of the global fashion industry? There few reasons to cite and the most common ones are they are of high quality, consist of beautiful embroidery designs, and the level of comfort is very high. The patterns and colours give the fabrics the much-needed boost, and people who have a sense of fashion cannot deny getting attracted towards it. This trend is the reason why African fabrics and dresses secured the considerable amount of place in the international market today. These days one can see the dominance of African fabrics with women and men as well as children are taking an interest in wearing the fabrics.

The wardrobes that are available in the market are beautifully designed and consisting of different unique patterns and colours depicting specific cultural significance.

History of African fabrics

Based on the available evidence or...

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Social Work: Meaning, Scope, and Job Opportunities in Australia

Social work needs you to be prepared all the time for every kind of situation. Human behaviour is unpredictable; different individuals react to the same situation differently. So, it’s a challenging profession that can be very demanding at times. In simple words, social work refers to a practice carried out by a qualified person to help those who are in need.

Everything which is done for the betterment of an individual and the society can be categorised as social work. Trained professionals actively engage in social work are termed as social workers. They often deal with social, psychological, and financial issues of people and communities.

In this age, where the child and drug abuse, sexual exploitation and illiteracy are rampant, the demand for social workers has gone up, significantly. Many leading institutions in Australia are offering diploma, bachelor and Master in Social Work...

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Why International Students Prefer to Study Engineering in Australia?

The engineering is counted among the top courses which the students prefer to study. The career provides high job satisfaction to the professionals and challenging as a profession. The demand for skilled engineers has increased significantly to tackle new challenges arising in the industry.

Engineering study needs a good amount of money, time, efforts, and of course, dedication. As an aspirant, you need to understand the requirement before making your decision of pursuing this career. Studying in the reputed institutions to get quality education and skills is the first step to succeed in this profession.

If you want a quality engineering education, there can’t be a better destination than Australia for pursuing higher education for international students. The country has seven top-ranked universities for engineering study based on the Times Higher Education World University Ranking’s...

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3 Things to Do after Completing Your Graduation in Australia

Upon the completion of your studies in Australia, there are various options that you may think about. Some institutions offer information about employment opportunities, migration, and other options after completing a graduate course, while others don’t.

Here are some options that you may ponder upon.

Complete further studies

There is no dearth of overseas students who stay here to complete further studies and gain a higher qualification. Continuing your studies will allow you to maximise your time in the county and gain advanced qualifications that may assist you fetching great job opportunity.

Extend your stay in Australia

There are abundant reasons why overseas students wish to stay in Australia after completing their studies. If you don’t want to complete your further studies, you can think of staying or working here. For making this possible, you have a wide range of visa...

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The global increase of popularity of African fabrics in the market

Everyone loves to appear good and well dressed. But what about when you are well dressed but not having any comfort at all? Some people have their self-choice, and they prefer stylishness and fashion over a level of comfort. Aren’t you one of those who want all these things together? The comfort, quality and affordability are the significant factors when it comes to purchasing of clothes or fabrics.

The story seems to be entirely correct that everyone would prefer the clothes with these three unique features. Today the fashion industry has touched the great height, and everyone became stylish wearing adorable, newly designed wardrobes using different fabrics. However, the most common fabrics seen these days are fabrics of Africans.

These African fabrics and dresses are in high demand. The reasons are these fabrics are beautiful with varied embroidery designs, patterns and having of...

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