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How Ayurveda therapy important in improving mental and physical health

Ayurveda is a system of medicine which is one of the world’s oldest. India is the country where Ayurveda got discovered. The system got developed around 3000 years back. It is written in the Ayurvedic texts that the gods gave the gift of Ayurveda to the sages and from sages, it got passed to the human physicians.

The principle which is followed in Ayurveda is that of maintaining a balance between body, mind and spirit. It is believed that the human body is made up of five elements of nature- Earth, Fire, Water, Wind and Ether. Ayurveda is directed towards promoting good health and not necessarily towards the treatment of diseases.

In Ayurveda therapy training India, the treatment gets focused on reducing the free radicals which get accumulated in the body. To reduce the free radicals, the techniques of Ayurveda like the Massage, Ayurvedic medicines and yoga gets used. The significant...

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Why International Students Choose Australia to Study Social Work?

Human behaviour is unpredictable, and different individuals react to the same situations differently. But, if you are a social worker you will get the quality to read the minds of people. In fact, social work is a very challenging profession, and it can be very demanding at times. In short, social work refers to the work carried out by qualified persons to help those in need. So, everything which is done to the betterment of the society can be called as social work.

In advanced countries, such as Australia, social workers are respected and significantly accoladed. Australian Government promotes social work and ensures that all its citizens enjoy equal rights. That’s the reason why Australian universities have designed various social work courses for international students and local ones. Some reliable sources reveal that the number of social work jobs has grown by more than 25 percent...

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Why Should Nepalese Students Study Accounting in Australia?

Gone are the days the job of an account was restricted to just making annual financial reports for an organisation. Nowadays, accountants actively take part in financial decision-making and formulating strategies to dodge the possible financial threats to a business. Of course, the decisions are made keeping in mind the current market trends. No surprise, accounting offers a future-proof career. This is the reason why thousands of Nepalese students opt to study accounting in Australia each year.

If you also want to make a career in the accounting field, your journey will begin with a top-class university. And, Australia is home to many top-ranked universities offering accounting courses in different specialities. Choosing the right institution in Australia will allow you to acquire industry-specific knowledge under the supreme guidance of qualified and experienced faculty members...

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What Makes Singaporeans Students to Study in Australia?

Why fly all the way to Australia to study when there are so many courses and universities available in our own country? The following are some things to consider:

University Quality

Australia is home to many globally recognised and prestigious universities, out of which some are ranked among the best ones in the world. Australian qualifications and degrees are respected and recognised by employers and top-ranked educational institutions worldwide.

Australian universities are engaged in initiating research in many different study areas. In fact, the technology for the world’s first cervical cancer vaccine was discovered at the University of Queensland. In short, studying in an Australia University will be an excellent experience for Singaporean students.

Governments and businesses around the world seek expertise and research power of Australian universities, and that’s the reason why...

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Top Benefits of Joining Professional Year for Accounting Graduates in Australia

Have you completed an accounting degree from an Australian university in Australia? Do you want to work and live in Australia on a permanent basis? If yes, then there will be no better way than joining the Professional Year in Accounting.

Australia has been facing the shortage of skilled workforce in many different fields. But, accounting is the worst affected field as local accounting graduates are insufficient to fill the skill shortage gap. That’s why the Australian Government with the help of professional bodies, including CPA Australia, the Institute of Public Accountants, and the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, has developed a 44-week PY program for overseas accounting graduates.

The program includes skill development training and internship placement so that accounting graduates can launch themselves into the Australian workplace directly from the classrooms...

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Why are Ayurveda and head massage courses in demand?

India gets credited with giving the gift of Ayurveda to the world. It is believed that Ayurveda may even be older than the Indus valley civilisation and was well ahead of its time. Ancient Ayurvedic texts suggest that the surgical techniques like rhinoplasty, kidney stone removal, sutures and the extraction of foreign objects from the body were a common practice.

With time techniques from non-Vedic systems like Jainism and Buddhism also developed and these medical concepts got added in Ayurveda. The prime principle of Ayurveda is that the human body is made up of the five elements- Ether, Air, Water, Fire and Earth and the body consists of chemicals or free radicals. If these radicals become excessive, the body falls ill.

The Ayurveda therapy training India focuses on treatment of free radicals in the body through their teachings. Balance is given a lot of emphasis in Ayurveda, and...

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How to Get Trendy Fashion Accessories from Home?

New fashion trends are coming on the market almost every day. It is essential for every fashion-conscious soul to keep updating the wardrobe with new buys constantly. Going to the shopping malls regularly in search of new fashion accessories is demanding. Given the time constraint due to a hectic lifestyle and professional commitments these days, the task seems near to impossible to fulfil. But, even in the busiest days, you need to look stylish and tidy. Meaning, you can’t ignore your fashion sphere as to look one of this modern era.

Are you worried about the deteriorating fashion sense?

Don’t lose your heart. The online shopping has the solution for your problem. It is the process of using the internet to purchase your desired products from online portals. The system is making shopping not only convenient but giving enormous options to buy sitting in your home. It hardly takes five...

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Aspiring to pursue nursing in Australia? Read this

Australian education system is considered to be among the best in the world. Its world-class universities provide courses in the various mainstream as well as niche subjects, giving students great opportunities to define their career pathways. Thus, every year thousands of students aspire to study in Australia.

The Australian system for healthcare is counted among the best systemic approaches to healthcare. Owing to this fact, the Australian model has been the subject of various studies and research. The regulating bodies and the universities themselves focus greatly on the quality of the healthcare and nursing courses they provide.

World-renowned Australian universities like the University of Queensland, University of Sydney, Deakin University, La Trobe University, University of South Australia etc. provide Bachelors’, Masters’ and Doctorate courses in various disciplines of nursing.


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5 reasons why you should choose to study in New Zealand

New Zealand offers a global platform for world-class education in a picture-perfect environment. It has become one of those countries where students from different parts of the world want to come and study.

Here are some reasons why New Zealand is considered the hub of overseas education-

High education standards

New Zealand has a superlative, centrally managed quality assurance system for one of the highest publicly funded education systems in the world. Higher education in New Zealand is monitored by NZQA (New Zealand Qualifications Authority), a government body which ensures the institutes enrolling international students follow the required standards. An added focus is on the quality of training teachers. As a result, New Zealand has one of the best teaching faculties.

International recognition of universities and degrees

There are eight universities, 18 technology institutions...

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The Pathway to be a Registered Nurse in Australia

Nursing is one of the noblest professions in the world. Nurses work day and night dedicatedly to serve fellow human beings and save precious lives in healthcare settings. It is one of the most in-demand professions in the world. Meaning, skilled nurses will always be in demand around the globe to take care of patients.

Australia is one of the most lucrative destinations for students and nursing professionals. Nurses in Australia are highly respected and paid well for their contributions to the society. The country is facing an acute shortage of skilled nurse to provide modern healthcare services. However, studying at Australian universities is not cheap. It is no wonder why more nursing aspirants are looking to work and study in Australia facility these days.

Australian universities are known for their quality education and training programs. Internationalised course curriculums with a...

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