How ACS Professional Year Helps IT Graduates?

Do you want to work in Australia after completing graduation in IT field? If yes, you’ve taken a wise decision to be a part of Australian IT industry which is growing rapidly. But, getting a job isn’t easy as recruiters demand real work experience and practical skills from candidates. But, you can gain relevant work experience and knowledge ACS Professional Year as demand by recruiters in the industry. The 44-week program is a vital pathway for IT graduates to get a smooth transition from the university to the workplace in Australia. You will develop professional and soft skills needed for employment while attending workshops and seminars in the program. Hence, it is an outstanding program for IT graduates to be eligible for jobs in the Australian market.

Why International Graduates Need PY Program?

Australia is facing a shortage of skilled professionals in many sectors. But, the skill crisis is acute in IT, accounting, and engineering fields. As local graduates aren’t enough to meet the rising demand of companies, thus, Australian universities are offering Professional Year program. The program is approved by Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) to provide qualified professionals to the companies in the domestic market.

It is a tailored program designed by industry experts to increase the expertise of fresh graduates and make them ready for the Australian market. After completion of this program, graduates can easily find jobs and earn five migration points for permanent residency in Australia. Thus, it is a critical program for graduates aspiring to get employment and PR in the island country.

Why Hire Nepalese Education Consultant?

As you know, Australia has 1100 premier institutions offering over 22000 courses in different fields of study. As there is a variety of courses, it is natural to get confusion while selecting courses and career paths. Make your career decision confidently after hiring a Nepalese education consultant to get accurate information and guidance in the chosen field. Consultants know the Australian education system, the job market, and courses under Medium and Long-Term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) as published by the states.

Need guidance from experts to start your IT career in Australia? Hire our AECC Global education experts for counselling and help in starting your career today.


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