Top Reasons Why More Overseas Students Are Joining Nursing Courses in Melbourne  

Australia has been one of the most preferred study overseas destinations for many years now. There is no dearth of students who arrive here to study and pursue a career in nursing every year. The country is known for following the world-class teaching standards and offering advanced Nursing Courses in Melbourne and other top-ranked student cities in Australia. With more than 1,100 education institutions, including 40 government universities, offering over 22,000 courses in different study areas, Australia is no less than an education hub for international students.

The Australian government has allocated a decent portion of its budget for the improvement and development of the Australian healthcare system. The country’s healthcare sector maintains the high standards of nursing to deliver excellent services to patients. However, the healthcare industry is facing an acute shortage of registered and qualified nurses, and this phenomenon seems to hamper the overall growth of the Australian healthcare industry. That’s why the Australian universities are designing nursing courses in a way so that international students get attracted to join these courses.

The Nursing Courses in Sydney are tailored to match the international healthcare standards using the latest technology and state-of-the-art infrastructure. In short, joining Australian nursing courses would enable overseas students to learn world-class nursing practices in an environment promoting both fundamental knowledge and practical skills to succeed in the profession. This is why Australian nursing degrees and qualification are recognised everywhere in the world.

Opportunities for Overseas Nurses in Australia

Since the Australian healthcare industry has encountered the skill shortage issue, the concerned professional bodies have initiated the IRON program to address this issue. The program is developed for nurses who have gained their degrees outside Australia. The logic behind the launching the program is to attract overseas-qualified nurses towards Australia and equip them to work in the Australian healthcare settings.

The 13-week program imparts skills and knowledge based on local healthcare settings. Joining the program will allow overseas nurses to learn work ethics, key responsibilities, language, understanding of new technologies, and proper etiquettes. Once completed, you can apply to Australian Health Practitioner and Regulation Agency to become a registered nurse in Australia.

Role of Education and Migration Agents

Pursuing higher studies abroad can be an excellent idea, but students often face problems related to the selection of courses and colleges, immigration laws, scholarship options, and so forth. Here is where the role of an expert Education Consultant comes crucial. You can get away with the possibilities of visa rejection by speaking to an experienced consultant.

AECC Global education or migration agents are approved by MARA, and provide you with numerous services such as visa extensions or renewal, counselling on visas, designing career pathway and more.   


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