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Online Puja Services -Who are they for?

Gone are the days when you needed to take specific time from your busy schedules to perform puja at certain events. Today, it’s not even obligatory to visit India to shoulder your spiritual responsibilities. You can do it from wherever you are in the world.

Yes, you can buy online puja services from the comforts of your home or office and get the puja performed at a certain date in certain place or temple in India. It’s all easier like never before. As already discussed in my previous blogs, you can find several websites online which offer such services. You only need to find and analyse some of them yourself and make your final decision.

But today I am going to talk whether it’s a right thing to do?

Yes, it of course is. The way people are busy these days rushing to fulfil the responsibilities of their family, it’s not always possible to shoulder all spiritual responsibilities at all...

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Why you shouldn’t be doing to your online marketing yourself?

If your core business offering is not online marketing, you should not be doing it yourself. One of the most important reasons is that you are better at something else. Yes, at the core offerings of your business. Trying to do everything yourself may not be bringing in the benefits you may be expecting. Moreover, it will also need you to invest time and efforts which if invested to the main offerings of your business, you can bring in more value to them.

In addition to everything said above, here are a key reasons you should hire a professional for taking care of your online marketing needs –

Initial research for campaign is very crucial – Before an online marketing campaign, to be more precise, a paid advertising campaign is started, it needs a lot of research. The research about competition, industry, target audience, target geography, ad pitching and so many similar things. If you...

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PTE vs IELTS – The all-important scoring pattern:

For any English test to be comprehensive, it is essential to include the four facets of linguistic testing. In accordance, both IELTS and PTE incorporate listening, reading, writing and speaking into their tests. With these scores, it is easy to assess the overall language skill of a student, which is as important to a university as it is to a student. A university wants to ensure that a student who gains admit can contribute to a classroom, which is only possible if the student comprehends the language of instruction. A student, on the other hand, must look to gather as much knowledge from a classroom as possible. A foreign education is not cheap. Students must look to obtain full value for the money spent on this education.

The basic, most obvious, difference between the two is the scoring scale. IELTS scores the test on a scale of 1-9, whereas PTE Academic uses the 10-90 scoring...

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Food branding and marketing - in-house or agency?

If you are not a marketing agency yourself, it’s advisable to outsource your marketing needs to an agency. The very first reason for this is – as you have the expertise in what your business does, similarly they do marketing as their core offering, hence they have expertise for the same.

Building an in-house team for food marketing services for your food brand can sound to be lucrative, but in reality it will have several pains. Okay, let’s take the context, did you get your food packaging designing done in in-house? Or you hired an agency for the same? In most of the cases the answer would be the first one where brands usually outsourced such needs to an external agency. When you ask the reason, they would most probably be replaying – we do have expertise in food and beverage branding in UK, that’s the reason we outsourced to an agency that does it perfectly.

Exactly, the reasons for...

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Learn Ayurveda – the science of life

Ayurveda is not just a medicinal science that treats diseases in human body, it much more. It not only teaches us how to treat diseases, it also describes the way living a better life in very much detail.

Ayurveda is often termed as the science of healing. But that’s not just about the medicinal part of this science. It also involves healing and rejuvenation through various vital practices like massages and medications. Today, yoga is practised as a different subject altogether, but if you refer to the ancient and original books on Ayurveda, several principles of yoga are practised in Ayurveda as well. Hence, Ayurveda is a comprehensive science, it teaches your treatments using herbs, overall healing and bring disciplines into life so that it can led more happily.

If it all excites you learn Ayurveda, you can find some of best Ayurveda school in India. Now when you ask to what you...

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Career in online marketing, where to start?

For anyone looking to make a brighter career in the IT industry at considerably lesser investment is online marketing. There are several courses on search engine optimization, pay per click adverting, social media marketing, content marketing, inbound marketing, affiliate marketing and many more which promises better opportunity these days.

If you looking to make it big in online marketing world, you can start taking up a course on search engine optimization or SEO. You can find several SEO training institutes in Delhi which can give you the knowledge and training you need to get into the world of online marketing.

If you are wondering why search engine optimization only and why not other courses like website designer, graphic designer or even developer? Okay, I will explain that. The work of designing relates to creativity. You can learn to design things but you can’t actually learn...

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PTE vs IELTS – Why PTE is fast becoming the Student’s Choice:

PTE and IELTS have been the most popular English proficiency tests for students who aspire to obtain a globally recognized degree from quality universities abroad. IELTS, being the older of the two, is slightly more recognized, especially in European countries. This is possibly the only benefit to a student who picks IELTS over the PTE Test of English.

Having said this, PTE Academic has gained immense recognition from the time of its inception. 6000 organizations readily accepted PTE scores as soon as it came into being. It is also accepted by the UK and Australian Department of Immigration and Citizenship for visa applications. Its popularity has reached all corners of the globe and is predicted to overtake all other English tests in the near future.

The most significant difference between the two is the scoring pattern. IELTS is based on a scoring scale of 1-9, while PTE’s scale...

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Your spiritual responsibilities and the ease with technology

We all live a busy life. A life surrounded with so many things around. The moment we wake up to the moment we sleep, we have so many reasons to neglect the spiritual responsibilities we all have as Hindus. We ignore the peace of mind and get occupied in the pace of life. That’s very true. But as a matter of fact, if you keep ignoring your spiritual responsibilities, it steals your peace of mind to some extent. Anything that does happen in our lives as expected, we start putting everything on it. We did not do that, perhaps that’s the reason it happened so. We must not have avoided offering that puja, or visiting that temple and doing that yagna etc.

Does it happen? Yes, it does. So what’s the way out?

You depend on technology for most of the things in daily life, don’t you? Then why not for your spiritual responsibilities as well?

Yes, you can opt for online puja services and take...

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Some of the online marketing ideas for food business?

Online marketing is on need for any business that cannot be avoided. A business has to allocate certain percentage of budget to it. Else, the overall marketing will be most likely to fail. Talking about online marketing, most of the businesses primarily spend on two things – search engine optimization and paid search marketing viz. pay per click advertising. But when it comes to food businesses, they need one additional channel in their marketing mix and that is – social media marketing.

Social media marketing means marketing on social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest etc. Marketing on these platforms need a different approach than search engine marketing. If you are looking to have an effective strategy for food branding, you must allocate certain percentage of your marketing budgets to social media marketing.

The first thing you should start with is...

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Is SEO alone enough for effective online marketing?

Online marketing comprises of several marketing strategies including search engine optimization, social media marketing, pay per click advertising, inbound marketing and much more. However, the most of the businesses look focused on search engine optimization only. Is it really enough for an effective marketing of a brand?

The answer is – NO. Search engine optimization alone is not enough. The reasons are varied. Some of the most significant reasons are –

Search engine optimization can drive traffic from organic searches from search engines only. And this traffic is not actually enough. Today, not everybody clicks on organic results always. They prefer to click to sponsored ads as well which are shown through PPC services. One of the most common thinking about it is that a brand that is spending money is advertising is actually an active business spending money on marketing and thus...

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